PROJECTS 22 Jul 2018 Extend Your Radius What is the potential of the an “extended” people’s radius when it happens to overlap with others during a dinner?… Leupsi
PROJECTS 01 May 2016 Shortfilm: Project G.O.C.K.E.L. My latest student project: A fancy german shortfilm. Together with my college i've shot a shortfilm about a crazy scientist… Leupsi
NEWS, PROJECTS 28 Feb 2016 Up the mountains Shooting an image film for ski touring in Tirol. The temperature below zero. Back bags packed with camera equipment. Ahead… Leupsi
NEWS 15 Aug 2015 Datev explanatory film Today me and my college shot a explanatory video for DATEV in Nuremberg. At the moment the footage is excusiveley… Leupsi
NEWS, PROJECTS 11 Jul 2015 Designblick presentation We exhibited our interactive video at "Designblick". Today we presented the interactive video experience we created for Zeiss Meditec to… Leupsi
NEWS, PROJECTS 26 Jun 2015 An interactive experience for Zeiss Meditec Creating an Interactive Video Experience by using a First-Person-Camera-Rig. The company ZEISS gave us the possibility to promote their software… Leupsi
NEWS 13 Jun 2015 Wedding film Together with two colleges i shot a wedding movie. After shooting a short teaser-clip last October, we moved on to… Leupsi
NEWS 14 Feb 2015 La Palma travel photography I'm currently traveling the island La Palma. Equipped with an analog Canon 650 and my 7D i'll hike around for… Leupsi