Junior Lab is a week full of fun, ideas, discoveries and making things happen. For girls and boys age 8 to 14 Junior Lab is the short-cut introduction to the creative possibilities of hard- and software. We build super heroes, compose your new favourite songs and design clever clothing.
Together with Michael Zöllner, professor for interaction design and my partner Alexander Roidl i spent one amazing week working in the heart of Berlin in the Ottobock Science Center at Potsdamer Platz to contribute to Junior Lab. It was great fun teaching soft- and hardware interested kids and working together with great colleagues giving other workshops in the fields of 3D printing, programming and designing wearables.
Our task was building music instruments with the use of Arduino, an open-source electronic prototyping platform. Among others we teached the basics of programing, explained how to construct a closed circuit, played the melody from the movie “Pirates of the Carribean”, expermiented with LEDs, sensors and servo motors and finally built an interactive music box.

Junior Lab tells stories, shows possibilities, teaches skills, but most importantly allows a couple of easy and playful first steps into the amazing world of technical possibilities. — juniorlab.de