25 Aug 2019 Into the Sky – 360° Film App Interactive film in 360 degrees. Further links: Portfolio at Werkschau Augsburg, Interview with the Augsburger Allgemeine, Blog Article by VRdirect,… Leupsi
The task? Developing a universal intro for a series of social media episodes for Audi Sport. In addition to the classic 16:9 format for Youtube, 9:16 and 1:1 versions were developed for Instagram and Facebook. The result is a template that can efficiently generate various formats with the help of a specially developed interface. 12 Aug 2018 Audi Sport – Motion Design Package The task? Developing a universal intro for a series of social media episodes for Audi Sport. In addition to the… Leupsi
20 Mar 2017 UX in VR – Virtuelle Realität gestalten Your browser doesn't support iframes. Please buy a better one. Leupsi